Ordinary Beauty

Music Commentary Blog


2017-11-01 Justin Wong

Never ask for someone you’ll settle for

Papers I’ve been Meaning to Read


Audi : Epistemology

Rudin : Principle of Mathematical Analysis

Dummit and Foote : Abstract Algebra

Munkres : Topology

Lee : Smooth Manifolds

Hatcher : Algebraic Topology

Univalent Foundation of Mathematics : Homotopy Type Theory

Gross and Tucker: Topological Graph Theory

Albert : Molecular Biology of the Cell

Carey : Advanced Organic Chemistry part a

Griffiths : Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Hennessey : Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach

Aho Sethi & Ullman : Compilers - Principles, Techniques, and Tools (dragonbook)

Pierce : Types and Programing Languages 55

Love : Linux Kernel Development

Silberschatz : Operating System Concepts

Tanenbaum : Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms

CLRS : Analysis of Algorithms

Arora & Barak : Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach

Goodfellow : Deep Learning 137

Koller : Probabilistic Graphical Models

Schoenberg : Theory of Harmony

Homzy : Jazz Styles


“I’m sorry I stopped at the 13th story, like Shahrazad, in medias res.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in a letter to Schiller

“Like ancient scribes, we are once again scrolling down text and sitting hunched over tablets” ~ The Written World by Martin Puchner

“Let us go and cultivate our garden” Candide by François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire)

“Each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done…the opposite of poverty is not wealth; the opposite of poverty is justice” Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson

“Speak only when you have something to say; Speak what you want to say and say it in the way you want to say it; Speak what is your own and not that of someone else; Speak in the language of the time in which you live” Constructive Literary Revolution – A Literature of National Speech by Hu Shih published in New Youth Magazine

“He who is to perform a horrendous act should imagine to himself that it is already done, should impose upon himself a future as irrevocable as the past.” The Garden of Forking Paths by Jorge Luis Borges

“The composition of vast books is a laborious and impoverishing extravagance. To go on for five hundred pages developing an idea whose perfect oral exposition is possible in a few minutes! A better course of procedure is to pretend that these books already exist, and then to offer a resume, a commentary.” Preface to Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges

“I discovered that you have no respect for what you do not understand.” Death and the King’s Horseman by Wole Soyinka

“Ever since I learnt of the King’s death. I lived with my bereavement so long now that I cannnot think of him alive. On that journey on the boat, I kept my mind on my duties as the one who must perform the rites over his body. I went through it all again and again in my mind as he himself had taught me. I didn’t want to do anything wrong, something which might jeopardise the welfare of my people.” Death and the King’s Horseman by Wole Soyinka

“He was a man of tremendous will. Sometimes that’s another way of saying stubborn.” Death and the King’s Horseman by Wole Soyinka


Philosophical optimism: ‘we live in the best of all worlds’ asserting that because God is good all things are for ultimate good; a response to Theodicy.

Theodicy: the problem of evil in a world with a benevolent and omnipotent God.

Bildungsroman: A novel of a young person’s education

Palimpsest: a manuscript or piece of writing material on which the original writing has been effaced to make room for later writing but of which traces remain

Nonplussed: surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react

Zephyrs: soft gentle breeze; ghost-like

Pullulation: to breed rapidly and abundantly; multiplying; swarming < thick pullulation of the possible universes >

Cicatrix: scar of a healed wound < a cicatrix the shape of an arabic S >

Lascivious: inclined towards lustful tendencies < lascivious daughter who refused to wear a veil >

Ineffable: to intense for words < the real Gale may now be beyond our grasp, ineffable >